Civic Communication and Media
CCM 301 Asian Visual and Creative Culture (4)
From Miyazaki’s animations and Hong Kong’s martial arts movies to Korean popular media, Chinese avant-garde artists’ political voices or ordinary social media uses, visual productions enrich the intellectual and popular culture landscape in Asia. This course offers an introduction to the history, theory, economy, technology, production, consumption, and regulation of visual culture and creative industry in modern Asian society. Students are presented a broad view on Asian visual culture, and an in-depth investigation of visual culture as a necessary component of, and influencer of, Asian society. The course encourages the comparative studies of politics and aesthetics of visual culture in different cultural contexts, and helps students become critical viewers and mindful users of media.
- General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities; World Engagement: CV
- Offering: Annually
- Instructor: Wen