Writing Program (8 credits)

The Writing Program promotes a culture of writing that prepares students to use writing as an instrument of their continued learning, in the career paths they follow, and in participation in social, cultural, and civic life. Writing-centered classes incorporate writing as an important mode of intellectual discovery and expression. Through a process of drafts and revisions, students develop their ideas in a peer community of writers and readers.

Requirement: Students are to earn a minimum grade of C- in 8 writing-centered credits (designated by a W after the course number in the schedule of classes), at least 4 of which must be taken at the upper-division level (300/400).

The Writing-centered designation may be added to any of the Liberal Arts Distribution or World Engagement courses, as well as to Power, Diversity, and Equity (PDE) courses. Such classes may be used to satisfy both the distribution requirement or world engagement requirement and the Writing-centered and/or PDE requirement(s).

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