Course Listings and Numbering

The faculty reserves the right to add and delete courses, to make changes in course content and to make other curricular changes at any time.

Course numbers are an indication of the relationship of the course to the total College of Arts & Sciences curriculum. Courses are numbered according to this scheme:

010X-099X Fitness, Debate Union, Model United Nations, theatre, and music activities courses. No extra fee charged if the addition of one of these courses constitutes an overload. Note also that credit may be earned for only one fitness activity course in any given semester.
100-199 Introductory courses that typically do not have prerequisites. Courses that often define and employ basic concepts and present the terminology and approaches to learning a discipline. Some departments have 100-level courses that are intended for non-majors and are not required for majors.
200-299 Some courses are introductory ones or they may have prerequisites. Courses are often survey courses devoted to particular areas or fields within a discipline. Some departments have 200-level courses as required foundational courses in the major, but they are introductory and without prerequisites.
300-399 Courses usually taken by majors and upper-division students, and most have 100- or 200-level prerequisites. Those without prerequisites expect students to be interested in and able to do upper-level work in the subject or subject area.
400-499 Usually advanced seminar or methodology courses with significant prerequisites. Department and program senior experiences are designated as 400-level courses.











Courses also indicate if they fulfill a General Education requirement. General Education requirement indicators are as follows:

W Writing-Centered
PDE Power, Difference, & Equity
Distribution Requirements
AH Arts & Humanities
MS Mathematical Sciences
NS Natural Sciences
SS Social Sciences
World Engagement Requirements
NEL Non-English Language
WE World Engagement Electives (see specifics below)
WE-NEL Non-English Language beyond the 132-level
WE-SA Study Abroad
WE-SL Service Learning
WE-CV Culture & Values

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